Max at 5
At 5 Max is independent, smart, sensitive, funny, cautious, and a joy to be around (most days).
At 5 Max is independent, smart, sensitive, funny, cautious, and a joy to be around (most days).
Anyone with little kids knows how hard it is to get them out the door in the morning. On days when you think, “I’m actually on time”, one child inevitably squeezes toothpaste all over their clothes, has stuck their hand in ketchup and smeared it on their face, or has...
It’s impossible to write down all the crazy things a 3/4 year old says, although it’s not always cute and endearing. The other morning, Max threw a tantrum because his toast was too cold (giant eye roll). Four year olds are what I imagine super rich people to be like....
There are days when I still feel like a new mom while other days interacting with Max is like talking with a friend (a friend who asks a lot of questions, always wants a snack and occasionally screams for no reason). Max is an exceptional kid, but don’t get me...
I rarely find a Pinterest DIY that turns out as “simple” as expected. More often they end up more expensive and more time consuming than if I had just bought the item. That’s why I was thrilled at how actually easy and cheap these Rescue Bot favors turned out. Items...
This is one of my favorite posts to write because 3 year olds say the awesomest things. It’s the intersection of how literal, yet how imaginative they are that makes communicating with them so unpredictable and interesting. (After school) Ms. Erin said I left my listening ears at home. She...
Receiving mail brings Max a disproportionate amount of joy. The other day he received the coolest gift - a personalized coloring book! The gift was imaged by Ashley, executed by Pops and creatively assembled by Bebe. Of course I had to know how they did it. Here are the steps...
Max surprises me everyday with the things he says. Some days I wish he would stay this age forever. (While in the car) Zoe you don’t have to hold on, mommy’s not turning. Where did Zoe come from? Oh yea, we got her from the hospital. Should we get another...
The school year just started and Max is loving his new class. When he came home with his first homework assignment, cleverly disguised as “home learning fun”, I was excited. I envisioned us sitting at the table, surrounded by colorful art supplies, working together to complete the assignment. Nothing about...