wedding anniversary posts

Happy 7th Anniversary

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Our relationship has changed a lot this year, mainly in that I’ve gone back to giving Aaron haircuts (ahem, remember this…). But through the craziness that has been 2020/2021 we’ve come together on a lot of decisions, the big ones being 1. we sent Max to in-person Kindergarten (which has...

Happy 6 year anniversary

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In some ways this anniversary looks different from the last five, mainly because we have been holed up with our kids for the last 6 weeks. In it we’ve spent a lot of time trying not to take credit for Zoe’s personality. And importantly I’ve learned that when tested, we...

5 year anniversary

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I can’t believe it has been 5 years since we told our friends we were taking a week off work and came back married! In those years we have laughed, argued, laughed some more and survived an interstate move. If anything is going to test a marriage it is moving...

4th Wedding Anniversary

less than 1 minute read

It’s been 4 years since Aaron and I got married. In that time we bought a house, got new jobs, had two kids and otherwise stayed exactly the same (I wish!). Even though life isn’t always a picnic, I’m reminded on a daily basis that Aaron is my favorite person...